Classier than Macy’s (see below) and a bit more logical in terms of layout, Bloomingdale’s is a shopping behemoth with enough excitement to keep shopaholics occupied for several hours. Founded in 1872 as a hoopskirt store, the vast emporium is still in the forefront of fashion, with four complete floors just for garments (basement for men’s; second, third, and fourth floors for women’s). It also sells housewares, furniture, kids clothing, luggage, kitchen tools, accessories, cosmetics, and jewelry, but its strength are the clothes.
New York City
Travel Guide
New York City› Shopping
1000 Third Ave (Lexington Ave. at 59th St.)
Our Rating
Midtown East
Subway: 4, 5, 6 to 59th St. Subway: N, R to Prince St
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Also at 504 Broadway (at Broome St.)

1000 Third Ave New York CityNote: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.